Search Ads 360: How SA360 Can Boost Your Google Ads Performance?

What Is Search Ads 360?

Search Ads 360 is a paid search management platform developed by Google. It allows businesses to manage and optimize their search advertising campaigns across multiple search engines, including Google, Bing, and Yahoo. It provides features such as bid management, keyword research, and conversion tracking, and allows for the creation of custom reports and integrations with other tools such as Google Analytics. It is intended for enterprise-level businesses and digital marketing agencies.

How does it work?

Search Ads 360 works by connecting to a business's search engine accounts, such as Google Ads, Bing Ads, and Yahoo Ads. Once connected, the platform can pull in data from those accounts, allowing users to view and analyze all of their search advertising data in one place.

Users can then create and manage campaigns, ad groups, and keywords within the platform. They can also set bid strategies and budgets at the campaign or ad group level, and use Search Ads 360's reporting and analysis tools to track performance and make data-driven decisions.

Search Ads 360 also allows for the use of rule-based automations, where you can set up rules to automatically adjust bids, budgets, and other campaign settings based on performance data. This can help businesses to optimize their campaigns more efficiently and effectively.

Additionally, Search Ads 360 offers integration with other Google's products such as Google Analytics, and also with third-party data providers, which can enable more advanced analysis and reporting.

The 3 main components

The three main components of Search Ads 360 are:

Campaign management: This feature allows businesses to create and manage their search advertising campaigns across multiple search engines from one central location. Users can create and organize campaigns, ad groups, and keywords, and set bid strategies and budgets at the campaign or ad group level.

Reporting and analysis: Search Ads 360 provides detailed reporting and analysis tools that allow users to track performance metrics such as clicks, conversions, and cost-per-conversion. The platform also allows for the creation of custom reports and the integration of data from other tools such as Google Analytics.

Automation: Search Ads 360 includes a rule-based automation feature that allows users to set up rules to automatically adjust bids, budgets, and other campaign settings based on performance data. This can help businesses to optimize their campaigns more efficiently and effectively, reducing the time and effort required to manage them.

In addition to the above-mentioned three main components, Search Ads 360 offers a variety of other features, such as keyword research and forecasting, which can help businesses to identify new keywords, bid more effectively and predict future performance.

Why advertisers & agencies need it?

Advertisers and agencies may need Search Ads 360 for several reasons:

Multi-platform management: Search Ads 360 allows businesses to manage and optimize their search advertising campaigns across multiple search engines, including Google, Bing, and Yahoo, from one central location. This can save time and effort for businesses that advertise on multiple platforms, as they can view and analyze all of their data in one place, instead of having to log into multiple accounts.

Advanced reporting and analysis: Search Ads 360 provides detailed reporting and analysis tools that allow businesses to track performance metrics and make data-driven decisions. The platform also allows for the creation of custom reports and the integration of data from other tools such as Google Analytics, which can provide a more comprehensive view of campaign performance.

Automation: The automation feature in Search Ads 360 allows businesses to set up rules to automatically adjust bids, budgets, and other campaign settings based on performance data. This can help businesses to optimize their campaigns more efficiently and effectively, reducing the time and effort required to manage them.

Scalability: Search Ads 360 is a enterprise-level tool which is designed for large-scale paid search management. It allows agencies to manage multiple accounts and large campaigns for multiple clients at once, streamlining the management process.

Integration with other Google's products: Search Ads 360 offers integration with other Google's products such as Google Analytics, which can enable more advanced analysis and reporting. Additionally, it also allows integration with third-party data providers, which can provide more granular data and insights to the advertisers and agencies.

Overall, Search Ads 360 can help advertisers and agencies to manage and optimize their search advertising campaigns more effectively and efficiently, while providing detailed reporting and analysis to improve decision making.

Use relevant ads & keywords

Search Ads 360 allows businesses to use relevant ads and keywords in their search advertising campaigns by providing several features and tools.

Keyword research and forecasting: The platform includes tools that allow businesses to identify new keywords, bid more effectively and predict future performance. This can help businesses to target the right audience with the right keywords, resulting in more relevant ads and higher conversion rates.

Ad group and keyword organization: Search Ads 360 allows businesses to create and organize campaigns, ad groups, and keywords in a way that makes sense for their business. This can help businesses to ensure that the right ads and keywords are being used for the right products or services.

Negative keywords: The platform allows businesses to add negative keywords to their campaigns, which can help to prevent their ads from showing up for irrelevant search queries. This can help to improve the relevance of ads and increase the chances of reaching the right audience.

Ad Customizer: Search Ads 360 allows businesses to use ad customizer, which can automatically personalize ad text to include relevant information such as prices, locations, and inventory levels. This can help to make ads more relevant to the search query and increase click-through rates.

Automation: The automation feature in Search Ads 360 allows businesses to set up rules to automatically adjust bids, budgets, and other campaign settings based on performance data. This can help businesses to optimize their campaigns more efficiently and effectively, reducing the time and effort required to manage them. This includes bid management, where the platform can adjust bids in real time based on the performance of ad groups and keywords, ensuring that the most relevant ads are shown to the right audience at the right time.

Overall, Search Ads 360 provides several features and tools that can help businesses to use relevant ads and keywords in their search advertising campaigns, resulting in more effective and efficient advertising.

Optimized bid strategies

Search Ads 360 offers several bid management strategies that can help businesses to optimize their bids for their search advertising campaigns:

Target CPA (Cost per Acquisition): This strategy automatically sets bids to achieve a target cost per conversion. The system uses historical conversion data to predict the likelihood of a conversion for each impression, and adjusts bids accordingly


Target ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend): This strategy automatically sets bids to achieve a target return on ad spend. The system uses historical conversion data to predict the likelihood of a conversion for each impression, and adjusts bids accordingly.

Maximize Conversions: This strategy automatically sets bids to maximize the total number of conversions within a given budget. The system uses historical conversion data to predict the likelihood of a conversion for each impression, and adjusts bids accordingly.

Enhanced CPC (Cost per Click): This strategy automatically raises or lowers bids based on the likelihood of a click resulting in a conversion. The system uses historical conversion data to predict the likelihood of a conversion for each impression, and adjusts bids accordingly.

Manual CPC (Cost per Click): This strategy allows businesses to set their own manual bids for each keyword or ad group.

CPM (Cost per thousand impressions) : This strategy is used to bid on the basis of cost per thousand impressions.

Custom: This strategy allows businesses to create custom bid strategies using data from their own account and other external data sources like weather data, inventory data, etc.

Businesses can also use a combination of these bid strategies, depending on their business goals and advertising needs. Additionally, businesses can also use automated rules to adjust bids, budgets, and other campaign settings based on performance data and change the bid strategy on the fly.

Monitor ad & keyword performance

Search Ads 360 provides several tools and features that allow businesses to monitor ad and keyword performance, including:

Reporting and analysis: The platform provides detailed reporting and analysis tools that allow businesses to track performance metrics such as clicks, conversions, and cost-per-conversion. The platform also allows for the creation of custom reports and the integration of data from other tools such as Google Analytics, which can provide a more comprehensive view of campaign performance.

Keyword performance: Search Ads 360 allows businesses to view the performance of individual keywords, including metrics such as click-through rate, cost-per-click, and conversions. This can help businesses to identify which keywords are performing well and which ones may need to be optimized.

Ad performance: The platform allows businesses to view the performance of individual ads, including metrics such as click-through rate, cost-per-click, and conversions. This can help businesses to identify which ads are performing well and which ones may need to be optimized.

Dimension reporting: Search Ads 360 allows businesses to view performance data by various dimensions such as device, location, network, etc. This can help businesses to identify trends and patterns in their data, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their campaigns.

Alerts and notifications: Search Ads 360 can send notifications or alerts to the users when the performance of a campaign, ad group or keyword falls below or exceeds a certain threshold. This can help businesses to quickly identify and address any issues with their campaigns, and make adjustments as needed.

A/B testing: Search Ads 360 allows businesses to conduct A/B testing to compare the performance of different ads, keywords, and ad groups. This can help businesses to identify which elements of their campaigns are most effective and make data-driven decisions to optimize their campaigns.

Third-Party Integrations: Search Ads 360 allows the integration of third-party data providers and tools which can provide more granular data and insights to the businesses. This can help businesses to get more detailed understanding of their campaign performance.

Overall, Search Ads 360 provides a variety of tools and features that allow businesses to monitor ad and keyword performance, including detailed reporting, alerts and notifications, and A/B testing, which can help businesses to identify trends, patterns, and areas for optimization in their search advertising campaigns.


In conclusion, Search Ads 360 is a powerful platform that provides businesses and agencies with a variety of tools and features to manage and optimize their search advertising campaigns. The platform allows businesses to use relevant ads and keywords by providing tools for keyword research and forecasting, ad group and keyword organization, negative keywords, ad customizer and automation. Additionally, the platform offers several bid management strategies that help businesses to optimize their bids and achieve their advertising goals. The platform also provides detailed reporting and analysis tools that allow businesses to monitor ad and keyword performance and make data-driven decisions to optimize their campaigns. With Search Ads 360, businesses can improve the relevance of their ads, increase conversion rates, and achieve better ROI on their advertising spend.


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